scenic/production | experiential | event | physical environment | furniture | consultation | 3D modeling & rendering | coordination
This contains a gallery of original concept sketches for several theatrical prodcution that have done. Most of these have production photos in "Scene Design" folder.
This contains a gallery of original concept sketches for several theatrical prodcution that have done. Most of these have production photos in "Scene Design" folder.
National Golf Event Concept #1
National Golf Event Concept #2
Into the Woods
Original concept sketch, graphite on paper. Scale: 1/4"=1'0"
Shakespeare's Julius Caesar
Original concept sketch, graphite on paper. Scale: 1/8"=1'0"
Bedroom Farce
Original concept sketch, graphite on paper. Scale: 1/8"=1'0"
The Crucible
Storyboard concept sketches, graphite on tracing paper. Scale: 1/8"=1'0"
The Man of LaMancha
Original concept sketch, graphite on paper. Scale: 1/8"=1'0"
Original concept sketch, graphite on paper. Scale: 1/8"=1'0"
On the Boarder
Original concept sketch, graphite on paper. Scale: 1/8"=1'0"
Seussical the Musical
One of sevaral story board concept sketches, graphite on paper. Scale: NTS
Shakespeare in Hollywood
One of several storyboard concept sketches, graphite on paper. Scale: 1/8"=1'0"