scenic/production | experiential | event | physical environment | furniture | consultation | 3D modeling & rendering | coordination
This contains a gallery of original concept sketches for several theatrical prodcution that have done. Most of these have production photos in "Scene Design" folder.
Original concept sketch, graphite on paper. Scale: 1/4"=1'0"
Original concept sketch, graphite on paper. Scale: 1/8"=1'0"
Original concept sketch, graphite on paper. Scale: 1/8"=1'0"
Storyboard concept sketches, graphite on tracing paper. Scale: 1/8"=1'0"
Original concept sketch, graphite on paper. Scale: 1/8"=1'0"
Original concept sketch, graphite on paper. Scale: 1/8"=1'0"
Original concept sketch, graphite on paper. Scale: 1/8"=1'0"
One of sevaral story board concept sketches, graphite on paper. Scale: NTS
One of several storyboard concept sketches, graphite on paper. Scale: 1/8"=1'0"
Here is a sampling of 3D Models as rendering in Vectorworks software. Again full production photos are available under the "Scene Design" folder.
Act 1 - Eisenstein's Apartment
Act 2 - Orlovsky's Villa
Act 3 - The Prison
Composite of hand drawn, photo textures and original textures. Painted on canvas. 30'x50'
Photo composite rendering. Painted on canvas. 25'x50'
Photo composite with created textures. Printed on vinyl, blue drape was not part of the final printing. Side panels: 4'x14' & Center panel: 14'x14'
Fully created digital image. Printed on vinyl to a finished size of 22'x30'.
Opera North - Lebanon, NH
Edited photo image. Printed on vinyl to a finished size of 22'x30'.
Opera North - Lebanon, NH
Photo composite with enhancements. Printed on vinyl to a finished size of 22'x30'.
Opera North - Lebanon, NH
Edited photo. Printed on vinyl to a finished size of 22'x30'.
Opera North - Lebanon, NH
Assassins- Presidential Posters
Studio Theatre, Oakland University - 2017
Description: Creation of Presidential Posters for Assassins. Created using photo compositing and created graphics. Coordinated printing in full scale.
Larger than life design drawing for 'the witches' effigy of Banquo.
Below is a sampling of renderings created in Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator.
Combination of architectual photo textures and created textures to create the final image.
Combined architecual photo textures and created textures on top of a created 2D wire frame to create the final image.
Created and adapted textures. This was used as a large scale painted penant on stage and for program and posters to market the show.
Heavily editied architecual photo textures to represent the three floor variations seen here.
Created and architectural photo textures to create final image, applied to a 2D wire frame.
Completely created textures on top of 2D wire frame.
Hand and created digital textures to create final image.